
Why aren’t
there more
women in

How do we create the Smartest Balance?

As an industry we need to ask ourselves some hard questions about why there are so few women working in energy, particularly at board and middle management level. At SmartestEnergy, we recognise the vital importance of having a diverse and inclusive culture if we’re to keep our competitive edge. Our Smartest Balance Programme aims to promote gender balance by looking at how we work and market ourselves to our customers, as well as how we recruit, develop and retain talent. By nurturing a more diverse workforce, we’ll tap into the widest possible range of experiences and perspectives – a resource that’s vital in an innovative company that’s seeking to power a revolution.

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Powering our revolution...


Sarah, Senior Trading Developer

"It’s nice to be in a position to inspire more women to join the energy industry. Everyone embraces everyone here."


Maria, Pricing Analyst

"We as women have to support each other in order to be able to motivate more women to join the industry."


Katherine, IT & Change

"SmartestEnergy have taken steps to increase women's participation by promoting the wide range of jobs available, making career paths more flexible and increasing the number and visibility of senior female role models."